Trying to reflect on it:
Most valuable information learned:Teachers can use meaningful and personal webtools to promote learning and it innovative approach doesn't need to be dissociated for assessment. For many time, teachers (even the most innovative professionals) tended to engage students in very 'high-techn' projects. But when it turns to evaluation, the innovative practices tended to be more difficult to find. Social representation of school grades and national standardized-tests seams to keep evaluation and assessment as a 'resisting-change'-part of todays' educational reality. Maybe it can start to change now, even in slow motion. (We will see)
Applying the lesson-learned:Faculties have been use learning management systems for quite some time for organizing online students work and although this LMS truly works effectively, managning all the resources and the information in one easy-to-use environment, it keeps inside all the learning process and all the learning outcomes developed by the students that after the courses ended are only available for the institution.
Next semestre a blended approach will be used:online discussion will be kept in LMS but personal reflections and assignments can we developed on a blog, a wiki, any personally-selected system.
More information/practice needed:I truly need to learn who to grade and assess products developed in blogs and/or wikis.