sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010

Analyzing Khalsa & Casey Courses

Focusing on activities the main differences between the 2 courses:

. Khalsa’ course is more focused on Continual Feedback about students’ progress and Personal reflection. The two concepts present to be 2 key-words in cyber-coaching process. In Khalsa’ course structure feedback and reflection are clearly enunciated as the keys element. Those are promoted in the Journaling activities. If we look at Casey’ course and use Acrobat Adobe “Find” tool and look up for the word ‘feedback’ we found out that it just doesn’t appear anywhere.

. Khalsa’ course express learning objectives that are focused on promoting opportunities for the development of higher-order skills in Blooms’ taxonomy, than Casey’ course. Looking for evidences is important. If we analyze Khalsa’ course goals we found, in greater quantity, verbs as “discover and discuss… evaluate… reflect and rethink…create… consolidate”(Khalsa, 2001, p.21). And if we do the same in Casey course learning objectives we found, mostly, verbs as “recognize and understand.. apply… seek… explore’ (Casey, 2004, p. 24-25).

. In Khalsa’ course there is a diagnostic-evaluation of students’ initial intentions, objectives and expectations, which reveals a profound concern of working in order to relate and stay near those intentions, objectives and expectations. That concern doesn’t seem to be present on Casey’ course.

. In Khalsa’ course it is clearly expressed the concern with students’ satisfaction and motivation, which are also truly relevant aspect in a cyber-coaching model. It can be seen in activities where students are stimulated to publish their products and ideas in online spaces where it can be read and comment by thousand of web-user. Other evidence of Khalsa’ concern about providing Flexible and personally meaning activities and project where students can develop their personal area of interest (e.g. photography).

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