quinta-feira, 29 de abril de 2010

Increasing teacher ICT value sense

Research tends to show that teachers’ opinions do not reveal total consensus in over time gains using ICT (Gooler, Kautzer & Knuth, 2000; Underwood, 2006; Woodbrige, 2004). It is quite common to find results that numerically express teachers complain about the lack of time to explore technology and integrate ICT in classrooms. In fact, in some countries there is a substantial number of teachers, who deny that there is much of a pedagogical advantage on computer use in class (Empirica, 2006). Trying to fight these negative conceptions, we must act in order to help teachers seeing technologies as worthwhile educational tool; something that can bring considerable time saving in medium and long term planning, if efficiently used.

In other hand, we also try to present web tools as something valid for teachers in their daily life. International discourses commonly present ICT competences as “something” that will be good and valid for students, but forget to present it as something also very important for teacher, as professionals, as present citizens, as persons of a world which is quickly and unexpectedly changing

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